Wake up!

A unique combination of psychology and spirituality wakes you UP:

You wake up your PSYCHE with Aha moments :

Aha! My mind is a tyrannical dictator

Aha! My mind isn’t even mine

Aha! I can transcend my mind and discover peace within…

SPIRIT in you wakes up with metamorphic Ahas:

Aha! I am not just a mind/body meatsack!

Aha! I have an inner teacher I can trust to show me the way!

Aha! I can reconnect to the Spirit I truly am in the silence and stillness…

You wake up to the fact that you are not a lost, lonely, solitary ‘self’ but an extension of the one eternal Self, indivisible and indestructible.

You experience these insights for yourself. No outside authority, no gurus or books or podcasts. Just you and your inner guide.

Peace descends as you turn away from the fear-based ego self to attend to your inner teacher, your INtuition.

Love is felt as you shift from fear to Love, from head to heart, from outside authority to inner guiding Light.

This Light grows bright and strong in the coaching relationship until the final dazzling “Aha”:

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of God*.

*(This is not the God of the bible but God depicted as Love in A Course in Miracles).


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